There is nothing good about having a clogged kitchen sink because it makes it difficult to prepare meals and wash dishes. No matter whether your kitchen sink has a garbage disposal or you put most garbage in a trash can instead, there are common items that will clog the sink’s drain. When you contact a plumber for assistance, determine if one or more of these things are clogging the drain and avoid pouring these in a kitchen sink in the future.
One: Eating or Cooking Utensils
Did you accidentally allow an eating or cooking utensil to slide into the kitchen’s drain? This is one of the most common reasons for a clogged drain because food debris gets stuck inside the device while you wash dishes and prepare food.
Two: Fruit or Vegetable Peels
Thick fruit or vegetable peels often create a clog inside a kitchen’s drain because the items are fibrous. Potato or banana peels will wrap around a garbage disposal’s blades. To avoid cuts, do not attempt to pull out the peels with your hands.
Three: Bones and Grease
Never allow meat bones or large amounts of grease to enter a kitchen’s drain because either one of these items can create a clog. Pieces of bone remain inside a drain to capture other food debris, including grease. Grease tends to coagulate inside a drain to create a thick clog that water alone will not dislodge.
Four: Pasta and Rice
Avoid rinsing rice or pasta into a kitchen’s drain because these foods absorb water quickly and swell. As these foods swell, a large clog develops and creates a gummy mass inside a water pipe that often requires removal by a professional plumber. Make sure to put pasta and rice garbage into a wastebasket instead.